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History of the Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine Conference

The Annual Rocky Mountain/ACP Internal Medicine Conference was founded in 1995. Dr. Robert J. Herman chaired the conference from 2000-2018.
Dr. Herman is currently a Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary. He is the current chair of the Health Canada Scientific Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology. He has received numerous awards recognizing these contributions. Interests include clinical pharmacology, drug metabolism and disposition, bioequivalence, drug interactions, formulary review, hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, weight management and smoking cessation. Current research is focused in the areas of hypertensive emergencies and its effects on the microcirculation. You may have seen him on the Foothills hospital wards and clinics with his OCT machine.
Dr. Robert J. Herman
​Dr. Herman is an avid hiker, snowboarder and still plays old-timers hockey, twice weekly through the winter and weekly in the summer. However, his true passion is caring for sick patients with complex medical problems and teaching as he attends on GIM medical services.

In 2019, the Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine Conference transitioned to new conference chairs, Dr. Rahim Kachra and Dr. Lee-Ann Hawkins.
They were thrilled to announce the Annual Dr. Robert J. Herman Plenary Session at Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine 2019! Dr. Robert J. Herman was the first presenter. You can view a copy of his presentation here.
For more information on the Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine Co-Chairs, please click here.

Dr. Rahim Kachra, Dr. Robert J. Herman, and Dr. Lee-Ann Hawkins at RMIM19
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