Information and Registration
Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine Conference 2023
November 16 & 17, 2023
Rimrock Resort Hotel, Banff, Alberta
Learning Objectives
By the end of the Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine Conference, participants will be able to:
• Assess my own practice and evaluate areas for change,
• Appraise new research and develop strategies for implementing new trends into practice patterns,
• Recognize regional approaches to patient care and opportunities for collaboration within healthcare,
• Interpret the benefits of collaboration with industries peripheral to patient care, yet relevant to practice management.
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by University of Calgary Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development. You may claim a maximum of 12.5 hours (credits are automatically calculated).
Through an agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. More information on the process to convert Royal College MOC credit to AMA credit can be found at https://edhub.ama-assn.org/pages/applications
Read more on the Royal College agreement with the American Medical Association at https://www.royalcollege.ca/ca/en/cpd/royal-college-accredited-cpd-providers/international-accreditation-agreements.html
Who Should Attend
Internal Medicine physicians, General Internists, Internal Medicine residents, medical students, allied healthcare providers, Family Physicians, and/or any physician or learner interested in the practice of Internal Medicine.
-Physician, ACP member*
-Resident, ACP member*
-Fulltime Medical/Health Care Students
-Alberta Medical Association active student member (interested in General Internal Medicine)**
-Other Health Professionals
-Thursday Evening Spouse/Companion Dinner Ticket
*By selecting this registration category, you confirm that you are a current member of the American College of Physicians (ACP) and acknowledge and agree to the organizers of Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine providing your name and email address to the ACP Western Canadian Chapters leadership for membership verification.  If you do not consent to your information being shared or your ACP membership is not up to date, then select the non-ACP member registration category.
**By selecting this registration category, you confirm that you are an Alberta medical student and acknowledge and agree to the organizers of Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine providing your name and email address to the Alberta Medical Association for verification. 
​​Registration deadline is 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday, November 5th, 2023
Course Details
Course may change due to circumstances beyond our control. Check the website for any Course updates.
Recommended Accommodation
The Rimrock Hotel
300 Mountain Ave, Banff AB Phone 403-762-3356
Toll Free 1.888.746.7625
A limited number of rooms have been held until October 6, 2023, at a discounted nightly rate plus taxes . Please indicate you are with the University of Calgary Rocky Mountain Conference to obtain this rate. For online reservations visit https://reservations.travelclick.com/113183?groupID=3402523 or call the toll-free number. No online bookings can be made after October 6, 2023.
Planning Committee Disclosures
Lee-Ann Hawkins
Nothing to disclose
Rahim Kachra
Nothing to disclose
Mathieu Chi
Nothing to disclose
Glen Drobot
Nothing to disclose
Peter Hamilton
Nothing to disclose
Jonathan Laxton
Funded grants or clinical trials: Multi-site trials:
1. ATTAC-CAP and SNAP trials
Irene Ma
Direct financial payments, gifts, in-kind compensation or honoraria:
1. American College of Physicians - teaching honorarium
Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureau:
1. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine - Executive Committee member of AIUM
2. American College of Physicians - Governor for Alberta Chapter at ACP
Funded grants or clinical trials:
1. Office of Health Science & Medical Education (OHMES), University of Calgary - PI of the OHMES Research and Innovation Funding Competition
2. Department of Medicine, University of Calgary - Project Lead for the Analytics Award Competition
3. John A. Buchanan Chair in General Internal Medicine, University of Calgary - Research Chair Holder
Aman Nijjar
Nothing to disclose
Anita Palepu
Nothing to disclose
Troy Pederson
Nothing to disclose
Michael Prystajecky
Funded grants or clinical trials:
1. Population Health Research Institute - site investigator for ASPIRE clinical trial
2. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation - Co-Investigator/Research Grant Recipient
3. Royal University Hospital Foundation - Co-Investigator/Research Grant Recipient
Ruchi Sharan
Nothing to disclose
Meghan Vlasschaert
Funded grants or clinical trials:
Alberta Innovates.
Lori Wik
Direct financial payments, gifts, in-kind compensation or honoraria:
1. GSK - honoraria for CME talk
Sheila Sun
Direct financial payments, gifts, in-kind compensation or honoraria:
CME&PD, CSM, University of Calgary - employee
Community Health Sciences, CSM, University of Calgary - teachign assistant
Event Schedule
Session Details
Learning Objectives
Thursday, Nov 16, 2023
Opening Remarks
Lee-Ann Hawkins, Rahim Kachra
RJ Herman Plenary
How Your Ignorance Is Killing Your Patient: Racism in Medicine
Neeja Bakshi
Identify and define: Racism in Healthcare, Implicit Bias, and review Social Determinants of health in this context
Explore historical examples of systemic racism in healthcare
Discuss real-time examples of racial disparity in current day healthcare system
Explore anti-racism and anti-oppressive curriculum gaps in medical education
Short Snapper
More than just Statins -
What's new in the treatment of Dyslipidemia?
Raj Padwal
Determine which patients require aggressive management and therefore may need non-statin therapy
Identify the when ezetimibe, PCSK-9 inhibitors, fibrates, and icosapent ethyl
Identify emerging drugs and drug targets in the field
Short Snapper
Thrombotic Microangiopathy - A short snapper for the Internist
Louis Girard
Identify the signs and symptoms of TMA
Emphasize the investigations required to establish a diagnosis in patients with TMA and to ensure that their workup is complete
Discuss emergent treatment of TMA along with other relevant therapies.
Research Program
Abstract - Oral Presentation
Oral Abstract Authors
Recognize and manage rare conditions encountered in General Internal Medicine
Describe quality improvement initiatives being undertaken by General Internists to enhance healthcare delivery and clinical outcomes
Appreciate the scope of research being undertaken by General Internists
ACP/AM Edwards
Reflections on a Pandemic: Picking up the Pieces
Lynora Saxinger
Summarize clinical knowledge about COVID-19 gained over the course of the pandemic
Summarize key stories and stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound impacts on society - and on us as health care professionals
Illustrate how key societal trends exacerbated increasing pandemic divisions and distrust – and compare our current status to relevant historical challenges.
Propose strategies that will help us move forward, applying lessons learned in a positive way.
Workshop Round 1
Cases in Acute Respiratory Failure: CHF or COPD?
Lori Wik
Provide strategies to differentiate between cardiac and respiratory causes of acute dyspnea
Identify common pathophysiologic mechanisms of dyspnea in heart failure and COPD
Use real-world examples, review and analyze an approach to acute dyspnea in an interactive forum.
Walking the Tightrope- Restarting Anticoagulation after Major Bleeding
Deepa Suryanarayan
Describe the clinical significance of major bleeding events in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy
Explore risk factors and outcomes post major bleeding in patients on anticoagulation.
Discuss the potential benefits and risks of restarting anticoagulation therapy after major bleeding and evaluate the evidence guiding optimal timing to resume anticoagulation and management
Reducing the Risk of Kidney Decline in the Patient with CKD
Louis Girard
Discuss CV and kidney risk in patients with CKD
Highlight up to date methods for establishing cardiorenal risk in patients with CKD
Describe guideline based targets and therapeutics with strong evidence demonstrating cardiorenal risk reduction in patients with CKD
The Retrospectoscope: A Case-Based Approach to
Illustrate How Autopsy Can Be Used as a Quality Improvement Tool
Amy Bromley
Describe the role of the autopsy in a modern medical practice
Identify cases in which an autopsy may be high yield
Utilize autopsy results for quality improvement
Limb Preservation/Medical Management of PAD
Karim Manji, Sidra Javed
Identify risk factors for diabetes-related foot complications
List surgical management options for diabetes-related foot complications
Recognize opportunities to reduce risk of major amputation
Workshop Round 2
Cases in Acute Respiratory Failure: CHF or COPD?
Lori Wik
Provide strategies to differentiate between cardiac and respiratory causes of acute dyspnea
Identify common pathophysiologic mechanisms of dyspnea in heart failure and COPD
Use real-world examples, review and analyze an approach to acute dyspnea in an interactive forum.
Walking the Tightrope- Restarting Anticoagulation after Major Bleeding
Deepa Suryanarayan
Describe the clinical significance of major bleeding events in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy
Explore risk factors and outcomes post major bleeding in patients on anticoagulation.
Discuss the potential benefits and risks of restarting anticoagulation therapy after major bleeding and evaluate the evidence guiding optimal timing to resume anticoagulation and management
Reducing the Risk of Kidney Decline in the Patient with CKD
Louis Girard
Discuss CV and kidney risk in patients with CKD
Highlight up to date methods for establishing cardiorenal risk in patients with CKD
Describe guideline based targets and therapeutics with strong evidence demonstrating cardiorenal risk reduction in patients with CKD
The Retrospectoscope: A Case-Based Approach to
Illustrate How Autopsy Can Be Used as a Quality Improvement Tool
Amy Bromley
Describe the role of the autopsy in a modern medical practice
Identify cases in which an autopsy may be high yield
Utilize autopsy results for quality improvement
Limb Preservation/Medical Management of PAD
Karim Manji, Sidra Javed
Identify risk factors for diabetes-related foot complications
List surgical management options for diabetes-related foot complications
Recognize opportunities to reduce risk of major amputation
Workshop Round 3
Cases in Acute Respiratory Failure: CHF or COPD?
Lori Wik
Provide strategies to differentiate between cardiac and respiratory causes of acute dyspnea
Identify common pathophysiologic mechanisms of dyspnea in heart failure and COPD
Use real-world examples, review and analyze an approach to acute dyspnea in an interactive forum.
Walking the Tightrope- Restarting Anticoagulation after Major Bleeding
Deepa Suryanarayan
Describe the clinical significance of major bleeding events in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy
Explore risk factors and outcomes post major bleeding in patients on anticoagulation.
Discuss the potential benefits and risks of restarting anticoagulation therapy after major bleeding and evaluate the evidence guiding optimal timing to resume anticoagulation and management
Reducing the Risk of Kidney Decline in the Patient with CKD
Louis Girard
Discuss CV and kidney risk in patients with CKD
Highlight up to date methods for establishing cardiorenal risk in patients with CKD
Describe guideline based targets and therapeutics with strong evidence demonstrating cardiorenal risk reduction in patients with CKD
The Retrospectoscope: A Case-Based Approach to
Illustrate How Autopsy Can Be Used as a Quality Improvement Tool
Amy Bromley
Describe the role of the autopsy in a modern medical practice
Identify cases in which an autopsy may be high yield
Utilize autopsy results for quality improvement
Limb Preservation/Medical Management of PAD
Karim Manji, Sidra Javed
Identify risk factors for diabetes-related foot complications
List surgical management options for diabetes-related foot complications
Recognize opportunities to reduce risk of major amputation
Poster Presentations
Poster Abstract Authors
Appreciate interesting clinical case presentations in General Internal Medicine from various hospitals across Western Canada
Explain how different health care systems address quality improvement and safety initiatives
Describe local clinical research projects and how these results impact patient populations
Medical Jeopardy and Dinner
Friday, Nov 17, 2023
Workshop Round 1
Alphabet Soup - Management of T2DM in 2023
Janeve Desy
Describe the mechanisms of action of oral and injectable diabetes medications
Apply the latest guideline recommendations for treatment of type 2 diabetes
Individualize treatment of type 2 diabetes based on patient comorbidities
Hot Topics in Obstetric Medicine
Jessica Cudmore
List updates on OAT in pregnancy
Explain what’s new in blood pressure management in pregnancy and postpartum
Describe the connection between hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and future cardiovascular health
Optimizing GDMT in the Patient with Heart Failure
Lori Wik
Identify optimized goal-treatment approaches for all types and stages of heart failure
Describe systems to keep patients with heart failure at home
Review prevention and management of common barriers to medication titration
Identify strategies for comprehensive heart failure care in the community setting
Management of Decompensated Cirrhosis for the General Internist
Meredith Borman
Identify how best to incorporate General Internal Medicine into the management of the patient with decompensated cirrhosis
List treatment modalities available for these patients
Recognize the merit of screening programs and how to implement them in your community clinic setting
Cases in Atrial Fibrillation: Rate vs Rhythm
Ben Leis
Outline key literature around usefulness of rhythm versus rate control
Develop a process of considering and implementing rhythm control strategies using a case-based approach
Workshop Round 2
Alphabet Soup - Management of T2DM in 2023
Janeve Desy
Describe the mechanisms of action of oral and injectable diabetes medications
Apply the latest guideline recommendations for treatment of type 2 diabetes
Individualize treatment of type 2 diabetes based on patient comorbidities
Hot Topics in Obstetric Medicine
Jessica Cudmore
List updates on OAT in pregnancy
Explain what’s new in blood pressure management in pregnancy and postpartum
Describe the connection between hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and future cardiovascular health
Optimizing GDMT in the Patient with Heart Failure
Lori Wik
Identify optimized goal-treatment approaches for all types and stages of heart failure
Describe systems to keep patients with heart failure at home
Review prevention and management of common barriers to medication titration
Identify strategies for comprehensive heart failure care in the community setting
Management of Decompensated Cirrhosis for the General Internist
Meredith Borman
Identify how best to incorporate General Internal Medicine into the management of the patient with decompensated cirrhosis
List treatment modalities available for these patients
Recognize the merit of screening programs and how to implement them in your community clinic setting
Cases in Atrial Fibrillation: Rate vs Rhythm
Ben Leis
Outline key literature around usefulness of rhythm versus rate control
Develop a process of considering and implementing rhythm control strategies using a case-based approach
Workshop Round 3
Alphabet Soup - Management of T2DM in 2023
Janeve Desy
Describe the mechanisms of action of oral and injectable diabetes medications
Apply the latest guideline recommendations for treatment of type 2 diabetes
Individualize treatment of type 2 diabetes based on patient comorbidities
Hot Topics in Obstetric Medicine
Jessica Cudmore
List updates on OAT in pregnancy
Explain what’s new in blood pressure management in pregnancy and postpartum
Describe the connection between hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and future cardiovascular health
Optimizing GDMT in the Patient with Heart Failure
Lori Wik
Identify optimized goal-treatment approaches for all types and stages of heart failure
Describe systems to keep patients with heart failure at home
Review prevention and management of common barriers to medication titration
Identify strategies for comprehensive heart failure care in the community setting
Management of Decompensated Cirrhosis for the General Internist
Meredith Borman
Identify how best to incorporate General Internal Medicine into the management of the patient with decompensated cirrhosis
List treatment modalities available for these patients
Recognize the merit of screening programs and how to implement them in your community clinic setting
Cases in Atrial Fibrillation: Rate vs Rhythm
Ben Leis
Outline key literature around usefulness of rhythm versus rate control
Develop a process of considering and implementing rhythm control strategies using a case-based approach
Top 5 Papers
Meghan Vlasschaert
Summarize the top 5 papers of 2023 that are highly relevant to General Internal Medicine
Discuss the limitations of the conclusions of the top 5 paper as it pertains to the General Internal Medicine patient population
Describe the implications of the top 5 papers to General Internal Medicine practice
Short Snapper
COVID-19 Treatment
Vikas Chaubey
Describe the classification of COVID severity
Apply therapies indicated based on severity of disease
Manage logistics of delivering outpatient therapy
Short Snapper
Hypertension Update
Nazli Baradaran
Apply hypertension canada guidelines in the complex medical patient
Carry out community practice management strategies for these patients with a focus on those with resistant or complicated hypertension
Describe the current evidence available for guiding management in this population
Short Snapper
Refactoring our Approach to Thrombosis Management (Factor XI Inhibitors)
Deepa Suryanarayan
List the limitations and challenges associated with traditional anticoagulants in thrombosis management.
Describe the role of factor XI in the coagulation cascade and implications of FXI inhibition in management of thrombotic disorders
Explore the current evidence and clinical trials evaluating factor XI inhibitors for various thrombotic indications in both prophylactic and treatment settings
Short Snapper
Cardiac Amyloidosis
Nowell Fine
Identify the patient with cardiac amyloid in your practice
Review imaging and cardiac function modalities and how best to incorporate them into your practice
Identify treatment options for this patient population
Thought Experiment
Minding the Gap - Perception of GIM
Troy Pederson, Narmin Kassam, Lori Wik, Iain McCormick
To be familiar with the distinction between resource constraint and fiscal constraint in healthcare design and delivery
To imagine new options for healthcare delivery for complex patients
Closing Remarks
Lee-Ann Hawkins, Rahim Kachra